Where God Is Alive, Active & Available
Bishop Easton Grant
Praise Team- The Praise Team exists for the purpose of leading the congregation in Worship and praise. They prepare the hearts of the worshippers to hear and respond to the preached word.
Prayer Warriors- They are intercessors who stand in the gap between God and the congregation. The group meets on Wednesdays at 6:30 PM to take the needs of the congregation to God in prayer. They conduct prayer seminars on a quarterly basis.
Single's Ministry: (S.H.O.U.T.) Singles Helping Other Singles Unite Together- The Ministry is designed for Single Adults ages 19 and up that are unmarried, separated, divorced and widowed in our church and community. The Ministry meets on the second Friday of each month at 7:00 pm. To ensure continued spiritual growth the meetings includes Bible Study, the planning of Ministry, Community and Quarterly Activities. S.H.O.U.T celebrates its Anniversary on the fourth Sunday of September. We encourage all Single Adults to come on out, and S.H.O.U.T with us.
Set Apart Living Triumphantly (S.A.L.T)- The young adult group goes by the acronym SALT which stands for Set Apart and Living Triumphantly. In addition to studying God's Word together, the group provides an outlet for friendship, fellowship and fun. They sponser events such as their annual prayer breakfast, annual concert, youth lock in's, community service through out Northern Virginia, Talent shows, etc.. But their main focus is growing in God's word and not just talking about being set apart but truly living a lifestyle that is pleasing to God. They have prayer partners and weekly bible study groups to encourage one another in the Word of God.
Sunday School- Sunday School meets every Sunday at 10 AM. There is a class for every age where the lesson can be taught in a simplematic, age appropriate manner. They make presentation of the Easter story and the Christmas story each year.
Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10
We believe that the Lord has given each of us specific talents or gifts. We, as believers, have the responsibility to use these gifts wisely in the ministry of the Lord. The ministries listed here are a selection of our efforts to faithfully administer his grace.
Children's Church- Children's church is responsible to train our young children from pre-school age to 10 years old. Our children meet on Sundays while the sermon is being delivered in the sanctuary. They are taught the Word of God on their level of understanding. It is our intent to lead them in the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Men Of Vision Evangelize (M.O.V.E)- The Men's Department exists to provide the men of the congregation the opportunity to grow together in Christ. They serve wherever they are needed and have great fellowship together. One of the many highlights is their annual Men's Retreat. The Men's Department is a great support to the Women's Department in each activity.
~Missionary The Missionary department conveys the gospel of Jesus Christ to non-believers teaching them that Jesus Christ, the Savior of mankind loves them and wants to have a relationship with them. It is also their mission to make disciples of believers. In addition to witnessing to the non-believers, the missionary department brings clothes, food, tangibles, etc... to those who are in need ranging from shelters, to the homeless, and to families all around who are less fortunate.
~Ushers- Ushers are the doorkeepers in the House of the Lord. They greet the Worshippers with a smile, seat them in an orderly manner and make sure that they are served with bulletins, envelopes etc... The Ushers ensure that there is order in the sanctuary...
~Women's Department- The Women's Department provides a forum for the ladies of New Life to fellowship together. We seek to edify each woman and lead them toward their God appointed destiny. The highlight of the group is the Annual Women's Conference and their Annual Women's Retreat.
~Youth Group- The Youth Group meets 1st & 3rd Mondays @ 7:00 p.m. Our meetings consist of bible study which includes small group discussions, bible games, icebreakers, etc. On occasion, speakers are invited to teach about budgeting, peer pressure, computer skills, time management, etc... Periodically the group meets outside of the church setting and the activities range from community service, concerts, Six Flags, Kings Dominion, Laser Tag, Putt Putt Golf, Rec Center, to College Basketball games, etc...